

SOA versus microservices: What’s the difference?

If you work in IT, you might have heard the SOA versus microservices debate. After all, everyone is talking about microservices and agile applications these days.


At first glance, the two approaches sound very similar. In some ways, they are. Both are different from a traditional, monolithic architecture in that every service will have its own responsibility. Both benefit from a certain level of decoupling.


The main distinction comes down to scope. To put it simply, service-oriented architecture (SOA) has an enterprise scope, while the microservices architecture has an application scope.


Here are some very basic definitions of each with that difference in mind:


  • SOA is an enterprise-wide initiative to create reusable, synchronously available services and APIs. This helps developers create applications more quickly and more easily incorporate data from other systems.


  • Microservices architecture is an option for building an individual application in a way that makes that application more agile, scalable and resilient.



Why this difference matters

Many of the core principles of each approach become incompatible when you neglect this difference. If you accept the difference in scope, you may quickly realize that the two can potentially complement each other rather than compete.


  • Reuse. In SOA, reuse of integrations is the primary goal and at an enterprise level, striving for some level of reuse is essential. In microservices architecture, creating a microservices component that is reused at runtime throughout an application results in dependencies that reduce agility and resilience. Microservices components generally prefer to reuse code by copy and accept data duplication to help improve decoupling.


  • Synchronous calls.

  • Data duplication. A clear aim of providing services in an SOA is for all applications to synchronously get hold of and make changes to data directly at its primary source, which reduces the need to maintain complex data synchronization patterns. In microservices applications, each microservice ideally has local access to all the data it needs to ensure its independence from other microservices, and indeed from other applications, even if this means some duplication of data in other systems. Of course, this duplication adds complexity, so it must be balanced against the gains in agility and performance, but this is accepted as a reality of microservices design.


Microservices vs. SOA – Is There Any Difference at All?

Lately, there has been a lot of fuss about the differences between these two types of architectures, or whether there is any difference at all. In order to delve deeper into this question that raised hundreds of debates, I will first briefly define both SOA and microservices architecture and their origins, and then we’ll compare them and see how we can best distinguish them.

Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA)

Service Oriented Architecture is a software architecture where distinct components of the application provide services to other components via a communications protocol over a network. The communication can involve either simple data passing, or two or more services coordinating connecting services to each other. These distinct services carry out some small functions such as validating payment, creating a user account, or providing social log-in.


Service Oriented Architecture is less about how to modularize an application, and more about how to compose an application by integration of distributed, separately-maintained and deployed software components. It is enabled by technologies and standards that make it easier for components to communicate and cooperate over a network, especially an IP network.


There are two main roles in SOA: a service provider, and a service consumer. A software agent may play both roles. The Consumer Layer is the point where users (human, other components of the app, or third parties) interact with the SOA, and the Provider Layer consists of all the services within the SOA.




Microservices, in a way, are the next step in the evolution of Service Oriented Architectures. Basically, this architecture type is a particular way of developing software, web, or mobile applications as suites of independent services – a.k.a microservices. These services are created to serve only one specific business function, such as User Management, User Roles, E-commerce Cart, Search Engine, Social Media Logins, etc. Furthermore, they are completely independent of each other, meaning they can be written in different programming languages and use different databases. Centralized services management is almost non-existent and the microservices use lightweight HTTP, REST, or Thrift APIs for communicating among themselves.

在某种程度上,微服务是面向服务体系结构发展的下一步。基本上,这种体系结构类型是开发软件的一种特殊方式、web或移动应用程序作为独立服务套件。microservices。创建这些服务只是为了服务于一个特定的业务功能,例如用户管理、用户角色、电子商务购物车、搜索引擎、社交媒体登录等。此外,它们彼此完全独立,这意味着它们可以用不同的编程语言编写,并使用不同的数据库。集中式服务管理几乎不存在,而微服务使用轻量级HTTP、REST或Thrift api进行内部通信。

So, Where’s the Difference?

Maximizes application service reusability Focused on decoupling
A systematic change requires modifying the monolith A systematic change is to create a new service
DevOps and Continuous Delivery are becoming popular, but are not mainstream Strong focus on DevOps and Continuous Delivery
Focused on business functionality reuse More importance on the concept of “bounded context”
For communication it uses Enterprise Service Bus (ESB) For communication uses less elaborate and simple messaging systems
Supports multiple message protocols Uses lightweight protocols such as HTTP, REST or Thrift APIs
Use of a common platform for all services deployed to it Application Servers are not really used, it’s common to use cloud platforms
Use of containers (such as Docker) is less popular Containers work very well with microservices
SOA services share the data storage Each microservice can have an independent data storage
Common governance and standards Relaxed governance, with greater focus on teams collaboration and freedom of choice
最大化应用程序服务的可重用性 专注于解耦
系统化的改变需要修改整体 系统化的改变是创建一个新的服务
DevOps和持续交付正在变得流行,但并不是主流 专注于DevOps和持续交付
关注业务功能重用 更加强调“边界上下文”
对于通信,它使用企业服务总线(ESB) 对于通信使用不那么复杂和简单的消息传递系统
支持多种消息协议 使用轻量级协议,如HTTP、REST或Thrift api
使用一个公共平台让所有的服务部署到上面去 应用服务器并不是实际被使用的, 通常使用云平台
使用容器(如Docker)就不那么流行了 容器与微服务配合得非常好
SOA服务共享数据存储 每个微服务都有独立的数据存储
共同治理和标准 放松管理,更加注重团队协作和选择的自由

I’ll get into more detail in some of the aspects shown in the table above and further explain the differences:

  • Development – In both architectures, services can be developed in different programming languages and tools, which brings technology diversity into the development team. The development can be organized within multiple teams, however, in SOA, each team needs to know about the common communication mechanism. On the other hand, with microservices, the services can operate and be deployed independently of other services. So, it is easier to deploy new versions of microservices frequently or scale a service independently. You can read further about these benefits of microservices here.


  • “Bounded Context” - SOA encourages sharing of components, whereas microservices try to minimize on sharing through “bounded context.” A bounded context refers to the coupling of a component and its data as a single unit with minimal dependencies. As SOA relies on multiple services to fulfill a business request, systems built on SOA are likely to be slower than microservices.


  • Communication - In SOA, the ESB could become a single point of failure which impacts the entire system. Since every service is communicating through the ESB, if one of the services slows down, it could clog up the ESB with requests for that service. On the other hand, microservices are much better in error tolerance. For example, if one microservice has a memory fault, then only that microservice will be affected. All the other microservices will continue to handle requests regularly.


  • Interoperability - SOA promotes the use of multiple heterogeneous protocols through its messaging middleware component. Microservices attempt to simplify the architecture pattern by reducing the number of choices for integration. So, if you want to integrate several systems using different protocols in a heterogeneous environment, you need to consider SOA. If all your services could be accessed through the same remote access protocol, then microservices are a better option for you.

互操作性- SOA通过其消息传递中间件组件促进了多种异构协议的使用。微服务试图通过减少集成选择的数量来简化体系结构模式。因此,如果希望在异构环境中集成使用不同协议的多个系统,需要考虑SOA。如果所有服务都可以通过相同的远程访问协议访问,那么微服务是更好的选择。

  • Size - Last but not least, the main difference between SOA and microservices lies in the size and scope. The prefix “micro” in microservices refers to the granularity of the internal components, meaning they have to be significantly smaller than what SOA tends to be. Service components within microservices generally have a single purpose and they do that one thing really well. On the other hand, in SOA services usually include much more business functionality, and they are often implemented as complete subsystems.



One cannot simply say that one architecture is better than the other. It mainly depends on the purpose of the application you are building. SOA is better suited for larger, complex enterprise application environments that require integration with many other applications. That being said, smaller applications are not a good fit for SOA as they don’t need a messaging middleware component. Microservices, on the other hand, are better suited for smaller and well-partitioned, web-based systems. Also, if you are developing a mobile or web application, then microservices give you much greater control as a developer. Finally, we can conclude that since they serve different purposes – microservices and SOA are indeed distinct types of architectures.
